Portland Wedding Photographer

Evrim Icoz is a Portland Wedding Photographer and is one of Pacific Northwest's most award winning wedding photographers. He has a dramatic and artistic style, and is fond of story telling with candid images.

Cheri and Dock at Crystal Ballroom

This was a very fun wedding to shoot! Cheri and Dock are great people. They recently went through a very hard time with Cheri’s mom passing. But it seemed like it brought all the family together. It was a very touching wedding throughout. The reception was at the Crystal Ballroom, my favorite place to dance! I have been looking forward to shooting there for a …

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Kim & Troy, Baseball Wedding

Kim & Troy’s wedding featured a baseball theme – from singing “Take me out to the ballgame” to serving peanuts to having the dance floor decorated like the baseball field. They both played baseball in college and Troy also played professionally for a while. The decorations were first class at the Governor Hotel – linens were brought in specially from Seattle by the couple’s wedding …

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Seal Hunt

I know this is a photo blog, but I just could not help myself… The seal hunt is going on and it looks so bad 🙁 (I won’t post photos, just too gross) http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/world/3752567.html If you want to do something, here is a link: http://www.hsus.org/marine_mammals/protect_seals/protect_seals_what_you_can_do/ So unnecessary…

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Mandi and Brian’s Album!

Note: The link is not working right now, I will fix that by tomorrow. I realized I never posted an album design here so I will be posting some from my archives as we go along. Here is a nice 10×14 album from this wedding: The way albums work with my studio is very simple – you chose the images, I do the design. Simple …

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I got two top ten’s at Artistic WPJA

Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) is a professional organization composed of photojournalists and wedding photographers from around the world. They have quarterly competitions and usually there are thousands of entries. They also now have a Artistic Guild which is a perfect fit for me I think. Their first competition I was invited to be a judge and it was really fun. The second one I was …

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Portland Lindy Exchange with Art Abrams

Some of you might know that I am an avid swing dancer. I have been doing it for about 9 years now. I attended some of the Portland Lindy Exchange this past weekend. The two events I attended were hosted at the Crystal Ballroom, my favorite place to dance. we had to leave a bit early the first night since we were super tired and …

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