lindy exchange

Portland Lindy Exchange – Day 1 at Tiffany Center Crystal Ballroom

The starting day of Portland Lindy Exchange is finally posted here. The event was at the great Tiffany Center Crystal Ballroom where I shot one of my very first weddings in Portland. Can somebody remind me who the bands on each three days were? You can order prints from this shopping cart: It even allows you to buy digital files (for personal usage only).

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Portland Lindy Exchange 2008 and Swing Dance

Portland has a great swing dance community and they came together to host the 2008 Portland Lindy Exchange. Some of you might remember the pictures from the 2006 exchange here. I can’t believe it has been two years! I was able to attend all three nights, however, the second night was right after a fantastic but long wedding I shot, so I didn’t bring my …

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