Lan Su

Lauren and Ryan’s Portland Lan Su Classical Chinese Gardens Wedding

Portland Wedding Photographer - January 2, 2012

Lauren and Ryan tied the knot at the gorgeous Portland Lan Su Classical Chinese Gardens. It was a super fun wedding, coordinated by Kerry Garrow of Signature Weddings and Events. The other vendors for this Portland Chinese Gardens wedding were like a best of the wedding vendors in Portland. Lauren and Ryan wanted a Portland theme wedding and allocated enough time for us to go …

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Jeff & Kyra’s Wedding – Chinese Gardens & Departure Restaurant and Lounge

Jeff and Kyra had an intimate wedding ceremony at one of Portland’s gems, Portland Lan Su Classical Chinese Garden, followed by a colorful reception at the Departure Restaurant at the Nines Hotel in Portland. I joined them for portraits at the Portland Lan Su Chinese Gardens and photographed the beginning of the reception. Short and sweet 🙂 Asian themes were plenty for the day, with …

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