Portland Lindy Exchange with Art Abrams

Some of you might know that I am an avid swing dancer. I have been doing it for about 9 years now. I attended some of the Portland Lindy Exchange this past weekend. The two events I attended were hosted at the Crystal Ballroom, my favorite place to dance. we had to leave a bit early the first night since we were super tired and I could not attend the other events because I was shooting a wedding on Saturday. But Sunday’s event was great. The organizers did a tremendous job in general and that night was no exception. They hired Art Abrams, a terrific big band. The place was rocking.

So what is a lindy exchange anyways?

Quoting from Virginia Swing Dance

“A Lindy Exchange is where a Swing Club from a certain city invites out-of-towners & locals to come dance for an extended weekend. Traditionally it has DJ’ed Dance Parties and/or Live Bands from the afternoons, evenings to the wee-hours until daybreak.”

Portland’s lindy exchange website is: http://portlandlx.com/

Here are some of the photos from that night, the rest can be found here.

Please note that all images are coprighted and registered with copyright office so do not use it without my permission.

Brenda and Russell


Nicole and Maryann

Portland Swing Dance Photographer