Photography Exhibition at the Architechtural Heritage Center of Portland

Here is a cool photography exhibit I learned about. I love old style architecture, and Portland has plenty of historic homes. My last three places were on average 95 years old. Architectural Heritage Center also has some great workshops. Check it out.

First Friday at the AHC!Irvington NE Knott

This Friday, May 1st 4pm – 6pm

Photography Exhibition
and Sale
Historic homes are about more than great exterior details: dentils and rafter tails, leaded glass, and Ionic columns… they’re also about how their owners fit comfortably into the timeless styles and atmosphere that these homes embody. The Irvington Home Tour has been showing folks this intimate aspect of historic homes for over 40 years, with over 1000 visitors each year personally touring historic homes in the neighborhood.
Since 2002, the Tour has documented the great interiors that those visitors saw, in photos on its website:, where tens of thousands of additional visitors each year see beautifully restored interior spaces and the furnishings that make them “home”.
Now for a brief time you can seen those photo images as they were meant to be seen — in lushly printed photographic prints, not in tiny web images — at a photo exhibit running the month of May at the Architectural Heritage Center. To launch the exhibit, the Irvington Home Tour Committee has joined with the AHC to present a free “First Friday” Home Tour Photographs event this Friday, May 1, from 6pm to 8pm at the AHC, 701 SE Grand Ave., Portland. Light refreshments will be served.
Approximately 50 images will be on display at this event, including historic images from the early days of Irvington. All images will be available for sale at the First Friday event.  15% of all sales will be donated to the AHC and the remainder of profits to the Irvington Community Association’s Charitable Giving Program.