Help Keep Internet Fair!

Today I read that house passed COPE, that if Senate agrees as well, will kill Net Neurality. Internet which sparked amazing innovations is under attack.

Net Neutrality ensures that all users can access the content or run the applications and devices of their choice. With Net Neutrality, the network’s only job is to move data — not choose which data to privilege with higher quality service.

This is also an attack on free speech. Communication companies can kill your speech if they don’t like it by slowing access to it down, effectively blocking you. This affects both sides of the political spectrum and is why (for example) ACLU and Christian Coalition (among others) joined forces. In fact, the only people supporting this are the giant telecommunication companies and their paid representatives.

You can learn more about it here:

Save the Net

Another reason why I care is this is a huge blow to small businesses all over country (as if we didn’t have enough to worry about!). I can use the internet to market my services. I have lower overhead because I do not have to have a huge storefront, do not have to do expensive print advertising etc. This all benefits you! If I have to start paying for these or pay extra so my site is at the same competitive edge with someone with big pockets, then I will have to increase my prices.

Internet is a big marketplace where people can compete fairly. What this bill does will be a huge competitive advantage to companies with huge pockets. It will also kill innovation and creativity if a rival can put you out of business just by paying telecommunications companies.

Millions of online companies we use everyday, like Amazon, Google, Ebay prospored because of Net Neutrality. They were once small companies with a great idea.

I beg you to learn more about the issue.

and act!

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE!!! Write to your representatives!

Here are some very interesting articles you can read.

Craig of Craigslist chimes in

Wall Street Journal on a similar topic