Portland Lindy Exchange 2009 – Day 2

I had the pleasure of attending Portland Lindy Exchange this year as well. It was a blast. Due to my travel schedule, I am only able to post Day 2 at this point, but check back in about 10 days and I will post the other days as well.

If you want to see the whole set from day 2, go here.

I also shot some video – it is not edited, but it is fun to watch.

Portland Crystal Ballroom Shim Sham:

Here are couple quick picks:

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures


Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures

Portland Swing Dance Pictures