- Allan Niemi
- Culinary Artistry
- Leach Botanical Garden
- Portland Affordable Wedding Photographer
- Sammy's Flowers
- The Bakery Bar
- The Manhattan Monk
- Weddings
Associate Coverage: Jessi & Chris at Leach Botanical Garden
Here is a recent wedding by our associate photographer Arian at Leach Botanical Garden. Friends and guests of Jessi and Chris can see the photos at this link. (password required) Vendors: Officiant The Manhattan Monk James Lawrence www.manhattanmonk.com Caterer Culinary Artistry Jenn Louis www.culinaryartistry.net Cake The Bakery Bar Jocelyn Barda www.bakerybar.com DJ/Musicians Allan Niemi Florist Sammy’s Hank www.sammysflowers.com
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