
Please take a moment and send this email

The orphan works bill is a terrible bill that will hurt a lot of photographers and other creative people. It will make it far easier for corporations to steal our images and creative work. This will seriously take less than a moment. Please send this to your representative NOW!

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No Need to leave Studio For Weddings Anymore!

Good friend Josh Johnston pointed this ebay auction below. Maybe I don’t have to leave my studio to shoot a wedding anymore? Thanks Josh! Canon Mirror Lens 5200mm 1:14 This is the only ultra-telephoto lens in the world capable of taking photographs of objects 18 to 32 miles away (30km to 52kms away). Having a focal length of 5200mm, Canon Mirror Lens 5200mm can obtain …

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Please Read If You Email Us and Use GMAIL

I am very prompt in responding to emails, so if you do not hear from me, it is probably because either your email or my email response got stuck in a spam filter. This happens a lot with wedding related emails. In addition, if you use GMAIL, you are in risk of having your emails rejected from a lot of places including my host’s email …

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Free Books

I am doing spring cleaning and getting rid of two books: Professional Photoshop 5 – The classic guide to color correction (the techniques in this book apply to any version of Photoshop) Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for Photographers (w/disc) – again most techniques here apply to any version of Photoshop let me know if you want these – come and pick them up!

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Welcome to the New Blog Style!

I am updating my blog so I can post larger photos and provide a more user friendly interface. You can subscribe to my RSS feed as well – it is at the bottom of the page (look for orange logo).  There will be some more changes coming up but meantime, enjoy the larger photos!

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Careful of Thieves at Weddings!

Portland is a very relaxed area. WE do not have a very high rate of crime, or too many organized crimes. However, it is very easy to see that weddings are a very easy place to target for thieves. Here are two blog posts about thieves making it a career targeting weddings. They steal money envelopes, gifts, purses from getting ready rooms, and photographer/dj/videographer’s gear. …

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