Salon 77

Vada and Geoff at Acadian Ballroom

Vada and Geoff’s wedding was full of fun people. It started at Salon 77 with make up, then to hotel Vintage Plaza and then to Old Laurelhurst Church. The reception was at Acadian Ballroom with a very energetic crowd! At one point Geoff took over the drums and rocked the place 🙂 There was even a cute pug present on the dance floor! Here is …

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Catharine and Ivan at Church in the Woods and Treasury Ballroom

This was a very fun event at two great locations – Church in the Woods and Treasury Ballroom. After their original photographer had to cancel on them, Catharine and Ivan gave us a call. We were very happy that we had a chance to work with them as my associate did a great job (no surprise there) and came up with wonderful images. Here is …

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Sneak Peek: Vada and Geoff at Acadian Ballroom & Old Laurelhurst Church

Here is a quick sneak peek at Vada and Geoff’s wedding reception at Acadian Ballroom. One of the more interesting parts of the wedding day was how it ended: Don’t worry, nobody was hurt seriously. Not sure how an accident on Alberta can be so forceful to turn an SUV on it’s side but that was the scene in front of the ballroom! Rest:Getting ready …

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