Portland Affordable Wedding Photographer

Associate Coverage: Kerri and Jon at Villa Amor Grand Villa

We love doing destination weddings! We have worked at Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Puerto Vallarta, Las Vegas, New York, California etc. One of our favorite locations is Villa Amor. We just got back from Mexico after a 1.5 week four wedding marathon and had a blast! Here are photos from Kerri and Jon’s wedding at Sayulita taken by our associate Arian. Keywords: sayulita, san pancho, san francisco, …

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Catharine and Ivan at Church in the Woods and Treasury Ballroom

This was a very fun event at two great locations – Church in the Woods and Treasury Ballroom. After their original photographer had to cancel on them, Catharine and Ivan gave us a call. We were very happy that we had a chance to work with them as my associate did a great job (no surprise there) and came up with wonderful images. Here is …

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Associate Coverage: Jessi & Chris at Leach Botanical Garden

Here is a recent wedding by our associate photographer Arian at Leach Botanical Garden. Friends and guests of Jessi and Chris can see the photos at this link. (password required) Vendors: Officiant The Manhattan Monk James Lawrence www.manhattanmonk.com Caterer Culinary Artistry Jenn Louis www.culinaryartistry.net Cake The Bakery Bar Jocelyn Barda www.bakerybar.com DJ/Musicians Allan Niemi Florist Sammy’s Hank www.sammysflowers.com

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