Call to Action: Orphan Works Bill

I received this email from my friend Fritz Liedtke. The Orphan Works bill is a terrible bill that will make it very hard for photographers and other creative people to protect for their work. And if you are not a photographer, the effect on you would be possible raised prices to cover lost revenue or good photographers going out of business.


“Please make yourself aware of the bill below, which recently passed the House, and now moves on to the Senate. It will wreak havoc on our lives and businesses as copyright owners, if not stopped.

The bold link below makes it easy to send a preformatted email to your senators and representatives. I encourage you to do so; it only takes a few minutes, and could help save us from mass chaos and loss of revenue as artists and photographers.

Please pass this along to other concerned parties.

Basic information —

Interview explaining the bill in greater detail —

>>>> Voice to oppose —


Find your senators here:

Some more information about this bill: Comments to Copyright Office