We love being part of Portland Bar Mitzvahs! They are lots of fun, very emotional and touching and high energy! This Portland Bar Mitzvah at Portland World Trade Center was no different! And lots of fun little touches like Salt and Straw ice cream, custom drawn hats, lots of sweets, and Sam was singing on his guitar as well! Enjoy! If you have friends who are having bar mitzvah or bat mizvah in Portland, please let us know. We love the energy of the young folks playing, all the little details etc. Sam even played the guitar at the bar mitzvah reception at the World Trade Center to standing ovation. There were custom designed baseball hats, amazing lighting, Salt and Straw ice cream and cookies!
We have photographed many Portland weddings at the World Trade Center Portland, and we love the unique architecture, the view of the Willamette River and Salmon Street Springs (where we did some family portraits!) at night especially. World Trade Center is a great event space in Portland, especially for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs!