Portland Wedding Photographer

Evrim Icoz is a Portland Wedding Photographer and is one of Pacific Northwest's most award winning wedding photographers. He has a dramatic and artistic style, and is fond of story telling with candid images.


You might have noticed the link on the right side to djangology. It is my very good friend Jon’s website. He is an amazing Django guitar player. He also plays music at weddings, so feel free to contact him if you need a musician.

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Occasional Office Space Comment

I will occasionally post comments from my favorite movies here. One of them is Office Space. Having worked at high tech large corporation for 9 years, I can tell you the movie really is very very close to reality… The following quote I think summarizes what a lot of people who work in cubicles go through. Especially if managers were promoted without regard to their …

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Somebody copied my site

I noticed some unusual activity on my site, and sure enough, somebody copied my entire site (replaced the photos though) including my design, and coding. I was a web programmer at Intel for years so I designed and programmed my own website. Here is my site: Here is his ( http://www.kennethphotography.net/ ) site: Some people have no shame. It is not a test as he …

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Last year a group of like minded photographers started Wedding Photo Guild – “an affiliated group of independent Oregon photographers dedicated to the idea that wedding photography does not have to be cliche or predictable.” The brain child of this group is Craig Strong, a very respected photographer in Portland who is also the inventor of Lens Babies. The group consists of a large percentage …

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I have been meaning to start a blog for myself, and today is the lucky day. I actually saw my buddy Craig Mitchelldyer’s blog and he inspired me to start my own.

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[php] $DBServer = ‘mysql-blog.c9snva5j3asb.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com’; // e.g ‘localhost’ or ‘’ $DBUser = ‘gg86e77e40d2d’; $DBPass = ‘FFAD57DA-F833-41BE-A5E7-568A85BFEB2C’; $DBName = ‘gg86e77e40d2d’; $conn = new mysqli($DBServer, $DBUser, $DBPass, $DBName); // check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { echo ‘Database connection failed’; } $poststring= “SELECT ID,post_title, post_name FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_type = ‘post’) AND post_status=’publish’ ” ; $posts=$conn->query($poststring); if($posts === false) { trigger_error(‘Wrong SQL: ‘ . $poststring . ‘ Error: ‘ . …

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