Portland Wedding Photographer

Evrim Icoz is a Portland Wedding Photographer and is one of Pacific Northwest's most award winning wedding photographers. He has a dramatic and artistic style, and is fond of story telling with candid images.

Couple New Features!

Just wanted to share that www.WedPix.com has an article featuring some of my comments and also learned that Portland Bride and Groom is featuring one of my weddings in the new issue. I frankly do not do a good job promoting myself with magazines and stuff. I am pretty busy so I never get around to it. New Year’s Resolution: I should do more. I …

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Final Salute

These are some moving photographs, from this year’s Pulitzer Winner: Final Salute Slideshow and an interview here as well: http://www.rangefindermag.com/magazine/Dec06/showpage.taf?page=108

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So Sad…

I am sure most of you followed the search for Kim family and esp. of James Kim who gave his life to find help for his family. It makes me really really sad and I wish it ended better. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/12/06/missing.family/index.html

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