Heads up, this has nothing to do with photography.
Professor Muhammad Yusuf won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his effort in alleviating poverty through micro-loans to the poor in this home in Bangladesh. “Micro-loans” imply loans that are not significant in amount. A lot of the loans we get are large amounts, and from commercial banks. Yusuf’s bank, Grameen Bank, in contrast, lends to the poor, in any amount. These are very small amounts for us, but it means a lot to people trying to make a living in third world countries.
These are not hand outs, they are loans, and they get paid back. It is a great way out of poverty, especially for women entrepreneurs in the poor countries. Not quite the same, but growing up in Turkey, I was able to go through high school and college due to the generosity of many people, and I feel a sense of duty to pay back. We donate to a bunch of charities, including Mercy Corp and my high school’s scholarship fund, and added the micro-loans as well. You can donate tax deductible, if you like, to Grameen Foundation, or lend (peer to peer lending) at Kiva.org