January 2008

Robert Capa’s Negatives Found!

Robert Capa is one of the main reasons I got in to photojournalistic photography. I used to go to Powell’s bookstore and peruse all the photo books. Capa’s work stood out for me (along with Bresson, Doisneau, Brassai). I read with great interest that his long lost negatives are found: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/arts/design/27kenn.html?_r=1&oref=slogin (ps. it didn’t ask a login for me, but if it does, use http://www.bugmenot.com …

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Christina and Milto’s Greek Wedding!

Christina and Milto had a full on Greek wedding at Portland Art Museum Kridel Ballroom – it was a high energy wedding full of emotion. The ceremony was at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. Here is a small selection: (note: to see the full set, go to here – password required) The single ladies names are written on Christina’s shoe. The guests throwing lavender buds …

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A Morning at Northwest Conservatory of Dance

One of the best places to take dance lessons is Northwest Conservatory of Dance in Hillsboro. I had the pleasure of photographing their dance recital a little while ago, and got some great images. This time it was time to photograph the young dancers at the studio! Check out what we came up with. Parents of the dancers can see the whole set here (password …

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