December 2007

Annie and Tom’s Wedding at Mar Plata and Villa de Roja in San Pancho

Annie and Tom took the plunge in San Pancho, Mexico. Well, the day after the wedding they took the plunge, into the swimming pool! You will see what I mean. The wedding ceremony was at the garden of Villa de Roja at San Pancho (or San Francisco), overlooking the ocean with a beautiful sunset for accent! We then proceed to Mar Plata restaurant, a beautiful …

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Rebecca and Mike’s Portland Wedding was the “cat’s meow”

Rebecca and Mike tied the knot privately on Zanzibar’s white sandy beaches, but had their friends and family together at a ceremony at Wilcox Manor (great location) and reception at their home in Portland. They included pieces of their adventure by creating an African theme wedding. Lions, tigers and …giraffes. Oh my! Here is a small selection: (note: to see the full set, go to …

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Rachael and Rainer at Villa Violeta at San Pancho, Mexico

Rachael and Rainer’s wedding at Villa Violeta in San Pancho, Mexico was an amazing tropical event!- The beautiful colors, great decorations, and the overall setting of Villa Violeta was a great photographic extravaganza! They had their wedding on a private beach accompanied by their beautiful friends and family. Here is a small selection: (note: to see the full set, go to here – password required) …

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