January 2006

The Bravery

I shot some pictures of The Bravery at concert at the Crystal Ballroom. They are one of the few bands whose album I bought recently. I have thousands of songs and cd’s and most of new stuff sounds the same to me but I like their sound. I am big New Wave fan and their sound is very similar. It was a good show and …

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Swing dancing at the Crystal!

Crystal Ballroom was the main hub of swing dancing in Portland, with it’s amazing floor. Crowds up to a 1000 people filled it on Sunday evenings to some of the best live bands! Its suspended floor bounces based on your movement. It is a gorgeous and very large place and that was it’s fall because it required a certain number of people to be profitable. …

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I got a new chair!

I work in front of computers quite a bit so I want to make sure to take care of my body. I am finishing up an office space and when I do, I will make sure it is as ergonomic as possible with the right table heights etc. As importantly, I need a good chair. Stuff I got from Office Depot is ok, but frankly …

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Private: KT and Erik’s Camp Colton Wedding

Camp Colton is a very interesting place. It is in the middle of a nice woodsy area with their own lake. I love the scenery there! They also have a great red little boat that I thought would make a very nice addition to some romantic shots. Here are some photographs from the Camp Colton Wedding of KT and Erik: (first dance)

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Exhibit is still going on!

The opening reception of my exhibit went very very well! The whole place was packed. Thank you to all who stopped by!!! Just so you know, my dance photos will be up until the end of the month at Ringler’s Annex, if you still want to check it out!

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My Dance Photography Exhibit First Thursday

I am doing an exhibit at Ringler’s Annex this upcoming First Thursday. Here is the press release: Dance Photography Exhibit by Evrim Icoz at Ringlers Annex, Portland “McMenamin’s Ringlers Annex hosts a reception for this month’s exhibit, which features work by award-winning photographer Evrim Icoz. This exhibition focuses on dance, shot in a variety of forums, from weddings receptions to parties to live performances. ” …

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